This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is only a test. This has been a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. The broadcasters of your community in voluntary cooperation with FCC and other federal authorities have developed this test to notify you in the event of an actual emergency, the signal you just heard would have been followed by official news and information. Well, to tell you the truth, if this had been an ACTUAL emergency, chances are that we here at the studio would be too busy scrambling to save our own butts that nobody would probably remember to flip the switch to make that "Signal" happen. Come to think of it, what is it with that obnoxious signal? That heinous noise has been plaguing the ears of the television viewers for the past twenty years and it's never even been used! Why hasn't it ever been changed? Did the FCC "compose" it, and now do they collect royalties every time it's played? better they play "Eve of Destruction" if you ask me. I guess, then, this "Test" is actually a capitalistic ploy by the guys at the FCC to cash in on making the general public think they give two hoots about keeping them informed when it's time that the Earth decides to blow up. As if official news saying, "Well, The Earth's blowing up" is going to do any good anyways. What are we supposed to do in that case? "Duck and cover?" this concludes this test of the Emergency Broadcast System.